Creating A Mosquito-Free Zone: 3 Plants And Herbs For Natural Insect Defense

By Jay S

Creating a mosquito-free outdoor space is a goal for many, and one effective and natural way to achieve this is by incorporating plants and herbs that repel these pesky insects. Here are three of the best plants and herbs known for their ability to naturally repel mosquitoes.

Source: @tarikul_islam/Unsplash

Lemon Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora)

This plant is a natural source of citronellal, which is commonly found in mosquito repellent sprays. Lemon eucalyptus emits a pleasant lemony scent that deters mosquitoes. You have the option to place it in your garden or maintain potted variations on your patio.

It’s important to note that the essential oil derived from this plant is often recommended as a natural repellent as well.

Lavender (Lavandula spp.)

Lavender is well-known for its calming fragrance, but it also serves as a natural mosquito repellent. Its scent is pleasant to humans but repels mosquitoes and other insects. Plant lavender around outdoor seating areas or near entryways to deter mosquitoes from approaching.

Moreover, dried lavender has the potential to be employed in sachets for deterring mosquitoes from indoor areas.

Source: @daiga_ellaby/Unsplash

Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus)

Citronella is perhaps one of the most famous mosquito-repelling plants. Its robust lemony fragrance conceals the odors that lure mosquitoes, successfully repelling them. Citronella is often used in candles and torches, but you can also plant it directly in your garden or in containers.

Keep in mind that while citronella plants are effective, they may not offer complete protection in areas with high mosquito populations.

When introducing these plants to your outdoor area, take into account their light and water needs to ensure their growth is vigorous and healthy. Keep in mind that while these plants can help repel mosquitoes, they may not provide total elimination of these insects.